Gracie is a puppy who due to a birth defect was born without her front legs. She was immediately dumped by her owners but before eventually ending up in a vets office. At the time, the little puppy had lost patches of hair and had maggots crawling on her but she did not lose her will to live. Gracie was slowly nursed back to health and her life turned around completely when she was adopted by a loving family who instantly fell in love with the puppy even despite her disability.

The puppy was adopted by the Turney family that also happens to run an animal shelter. They had already adopted one paralyzed dog before and had experience in taking care of a disabled pet.

Naturally, Gracie had trouble walking but was too small for a wheelchair so the family had to come up with some sort of a solution.

That’s where 12-year-old Dylan came to help – the boy used LEGO bricks to make a wheelchair for Gracie.

A LEGO wheelchair was perfect for the rapidly growing puppy – it was cheap and easy to adjust.

With a little trial and error, Gracie got the hang of the wheelchair.

Soon enough she was running around like any little puppy her age!

Eventually, as Gracie got bigger, Dylan added bigger wheels to the wheelchair.

The puppy got an “adult” wheelchair as she got older.
Gracie’s story proves that any puppy can live a happy and fulfilling life with the help of caring and loving owners.
Creating Lasting Memories by the Sea: A Heartfelt Journey with Our Beloved Dog Before She Crosses the Rainbow Bridge

In the face of unimaginable challenges, Noah’s story is a testament to the power of love and compassion. This brave soul, plagued by tumors and critical health conditions, was once a forsaken street dog.
But thanks to the incredible efforts of Laika, a charity based in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, Noah found herself surrounded by love in her final months. When Noah was rescued, she could barely walk due to her overgrown nails and was covered in tumors. The Fundación Laika Protectora de Animales, A.C. rescued her from a life of isolation, neglect, and pain.

Despite her terminal condition, Noah was promised happiness, love, and companionship. She watched the sunset, felt the cool sea breeze, and experienced the kindness of people who cared for her.
Noah’s journey came to an end, but not without leaving a lasting impact on those who knew her. Her courage and resilience inspired all who crossed her path. We bid her farewell with love and gratitude for the valuable lessons she taught us about compassion and the enduring spirit of animals.
Let Noah’s story be a reminder that even in the face of adversity, love can transform lives.
amazing and loving
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