24 Striking Tattoos That Beat the System

Nobody needs tattoo catalogs in tattoo salons anymore because anyone who wants to get a tattoo has a story that has left a mark on their hearts. In this new article, we have collected tattoos that tell a lot about their owners. And at the end of the article, there is a bonus showing that some people don’t really care what is on their bodies.

We at Bright Side are sure that tattoos are a kind of art and here are 24 examples of original and important pictures on the body that have an interesting story behind them.

An amazing 3D effect

This one is truly hypnotizing

2 hands in one

3rd degree burn scar covered by a phoenix

“The wife and I got tattoos of a diagram depicting the position of the planets as they were at the exact time we were married.”

“My girlfriend’s tattoo of her cat in a shark costume and her actual cat in a shark costume”

A simple explanation of entropy

“I proposed to my girlfriend with this tattoo, she said yes!”

When you treat any situation with humor:

“My mom’s tattoo of her mom’s birth and death date, and heartbeat into a signature. When she passes, I will get the same tattoo (relating to her of course) in her memory.”

“This is my dog and I.”

A tattoo artist from Brazil made a unique tattoo that literally opens when the arm opens.

“Tribute tattoo for my best friend who passed away”

“I found a way to incorporate a scar into something much more.”

“I got this tattoo after my heart transplant.”

Honeybees for a pair of married beekeepers

“My dad passed away 7 years ago, he got this tattoo when he turned 18, and when I turned 18, I got it too.”

“My favorite scene from Spirited Away

“About a month ago, I lost a friend in a climbing accident. This is my reminder of him as well as a reminder to myself to climb safe.”

“Got my first tattoo done yesterday.”

“After her son passed away, this awesome lady got the image and writing from a card he’d written for her tattooed on her forearm.”

“Moved from Sydney to Ireland when I was 10. I’m 20 now and here’s my first tattoo.”

“Shortly after my mother’s death in Nov 2013, I found a notebook where she had written a random note to my sisters and I that we had never received. This was part of it and I decided to get a tattoo of it.”

Bonus: Her tattoo says “fresh spring rolls” in Thai.

Which tattoo amazed you the most? Do you or any of your relatives have any important tattoos on your body? Tell us in the comment section below.

I’m Positive You Will Not Know What This Is

Today’s youth would be completely ignorant of the meaning of a walkman, landline phone, or VHS cassette. Growing up in the era of rapid technological advancement, it has been amazing to witness how everyday household items that have been in use for years can suddenly become outdated.

I’ll admit that I had no idea what the object below was until I saw a photo of it. Beyond that, I had no idea what kind of metal tool it was. Can you identify and recollect this object?

See anything familiar? It’s a vintage oil can opener nozzle! This object appears archaic, yet it is actually rather modern, having been created in the 1980s. The spout portion of the can was used to pour oil back then, and people would use the tool to punch a hole in the top of the can. Despite having a really straightforward design, this thing is quite brilliant.

The 1980s seem like they were only yesterday to me. The 1980s seem like a lifetime ago—more than 40 years ago! Even though these openers aren’t used very often these days, I’ll wager that a lot of folks still keep one hidden in their garage among the equipment. Of course, many collect them, mechanics in particular! Therefore, it might not be a bad idea to pick up one of these cool little devices if you ever find one at an antique store or yard sale.

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