Parents say goodbye to their newborn as life support is switched off, then he starts breathing immediately

Most moms will agree pregnancy and labor can be a scary time and all you want is to deliver a healthy baby, kicking and screaming.

But one mom was faced with the unthinkable when her baby boy was born with medical issues that left him on a ventilator.

Lisa Hough shared an image of her sweet baby grandson born to her daughter Chelsea and also shared the unthinkable tough decision that her daughter had been faced with.

The mom of three and nana of two said her grandson Karson had been born with many medical complications.

“The only way to describe what has happened is that this beautiful baby boy has suffered two very rare traumatic conditions that are completely unrelated to one another,” Nana Lisa shared on her Facebook page.

She added her newborn baby grandson had suffered a “hemorrhage in the left temporal lobe” and had also been diagnosed with a rare, genetic, metabolic disorder called Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH).
“His case is presented as severe and would cause him to be severely neurologically impaired – functioning at a 2-3 month old level at best for his lifetime,” Lisa wrote.

His mom, given all the information from the medical staff around her, made the incredibly tough decision to take him off life support.

Lisa wrote of the heartbreaking moment they had to say goodbye to their sweet little one.

“While we weren’t ready to say goodbye to Karson, we had come to terms with the inevitable. We were given 10 minutes after withdrawing intensive care and the ventilator and told he would not breath on his own and to expect his heart to stop within those 10 minutes.

But, according to Lisa, it seemed “God had other plans” and said she and her daughter witnessed a miracle.

“He immediately started breathing on his own once the ventilator was removed, heart rate and oxygen stabilized, and here we are 5 hours later with this miracle baby that we were told would never breath, swallow, have gag reflexes, or even survive. He is breathing unassisted.

“He is swallowing. He is surviving. He even has slightly opened his eyes a couple times today.”

She said his doctors had no explanation for what happened saying no medical or science data supports this little fighter surviving; the only explanation they have is that it’s a miracle.

“I’m not sure why I ever thought we were so underserving of a miracle…and I’m not sure how long we have with him, but we have him now. And now we will take,” Lisa wrote.

Finally, on March 1, she and her family were given the joyous news that their tiny bundle of joy would be coming home that week.

“Every day, I am brought to my knees, and just when I think God is done, I am quickly reminded that he isn’t….I have no words for my gratitude and I will praise Him for as long as I have air in my lungs for giving Karson his,” Lisa wrote.

From her very first post, commenters were fully supportive of the journey, celebrating the survival of Karson with more than 30,000 reactions to the post announcing the wonderful news that Karson survived and is thriving

Grandmother Reunites with Her Long-Ago Sweetheart at the Care Facility

As it was a usual Sunday afternoon, Emma told her granddaughter Mia that she would like to move to a retirement home. She told her granddaughter that she was thinking about moving once again.

As Mia understand that her grandmother wanted to be with people in her age, she stated that her grandmother deserves to be happy.

A woman and her grandmother talking in their living room | Source: Midjourney
As Emma stated again, she told her granddaughter that she is feeling like a burden while she was staying with them, and having people on her age around her would make her feel better.

Mia told her grandmother that she is supporting her in her decision. Few weeks later, they took Emma to her retirement home. The crew of the retirement house were great as they were constantly smiling, and the place was great too.

After the registration, the family were waiting for coffee in the local cafe. At that moment, Emma saw Jack, her long-lost lover.

“Is that you, Peter?”

“Emma? How long has it been?”

An elderly man standing in a nursing home | Source: Midjourney
Mia asked to her grandmother, “Grammy, who is this you’re talking to?”

“My dear Mia, this is Jack, and Jack, this is my granddaughter, Mia.”

Jack turned to Mia, “Nice to meet with you Mia. Emma and I were very close back in the day.”

As the family were shocked, they sat down together at the table. As they watched their Grammy and Jack talk, they were feeling as if they were watching a romantic movie.

As they shared their old stories with one another and with the family, suddenly, Emma started to cry silently. Jack hugged to Emma as she started to sobbing.

A very sad-looking elderly woman is sitting in a nursing home’s café | Source: Midjourney
“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Jack, I can’t forgive myself for what I’ve done. You are the father of my son, James.”

Jack was shocked, as he couldn’t give a proper sentence. “How… But… Why did you… Why a secret…”

Then Emma continued, “My family were against you Jack. I was in love with you, but they told me that they would disown me if I would be with you. After the night we spent together, James was born.”

An extremely shocked elderly man in a nursing home café | Source: Midjourney
As Jack’s head was spinning, he hold his face in his hands. His breathing became heavier with each inhale.

But as life had to intervene, Jack had told Emma that his family were taking him to a different state so he could study more efficiently. Emma said that she was heartbroken, and Jack stated that he did that for Emma to not have a problem with her family.

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