Honeymooners Tried to Make My Flight Hell as Revenge – I Brought Them Back to Earth

On a recent 14-hour flight, I, Toby, 35, was eager to return to my wife and kid. I had splurged on a premium economy seat for extra comfort, but my peace was ruined when newlyweds Dave and Lia came along.

Dave asked me to switch seats with his wife, who was sitting in economy. “I declined politely, explaining I’d paid extra for comfort,” but Dave didn’t take it well, muttering, “You’ll regret this.” What followed was pure chaos.

Dave started coughing loudly, blasting a movie without headphones, and scattering crumbs everywhere. Then Lia joined him, sitting on his lap, turning the row into their personal honeymoon suite. It was clear that their behavior wasn’t going to stop, so I flagged down a flight attendant. She reminded them of the airline’s rules, pointing out safety regulations and common courtesy.

Finally, after much disruption, Dave and Lia were moved to the back of the plane. At last, I had the peace I paid for and could relax for the remainder of the flight. As we landed, I couldn’t resist getting in a last word: “Hope you guys learned something today. Enjoy your honeymoon!”

With their heads down, they didn’t respond, and I walked off the plane, satisfied that I’d stood my ground and taught them a lesson in airplane etiquette.

Kelly Clarkson Disciplines Children with Spanking for Misbehavior

Kelly Clarkson, a mother of two from Fort Worth, Texas, shared her parenting approach in a recent interview. Clarkson, residing in Louisiana, where she notes spanking is common, revealed she wouldn’t hesitate to use this disciplinary method on her kids if they misbehave. She clarified that it’s not about a severe beating but a simple swat on the behind, emphasizing it as a common practice in the South.

Reflecting on her upbringing, Clarkson mentioned that she was spanked by her parents and believes she turned out well. She adds, however, that she always gives a warning before resorting to any form of discipline. The challenge, according to the Voice coach, lies in applying spanking in public due to potential judgment from those who disagree.

The debate on spanking as a long-term disciplinary strategy persists, with varying opinions on its safety. The American Academy of Pediatrics, however, does not endorse any form of corporal punishment, emphasizing alternative methods for child discipline.

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