Terrified dog set to be put down: Just watch the incredible reaction when she realizes she’s saved

It’s a sad fact that many dogs entering animal shelters are malnourished and underweight. It pains me to see animals struggling to the point where they’re almost too weak to stand.

Some, in spite of their neglect, remain affectionate and trusting towards humans, though others shrink in fear when a rescuer approaches. What the latter have been subjected to sometimes doesn’t bear thinking about.

Personally, I can’t imagine ever wanting to hurt an animal. Furthermore, I simply can’t understand why anyone would take any sort of pleasure in doing so …

That said, I think dogs have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing which people are good and which are not.

Those who work with animals will understand the importance of letting a creature that has been subjected to neglect make the first move. Of course, it’s common to want to pat and play with a dog to show it you mean no harm, but this isn’t always the best way.

Some people just don’t fathom that a dog that has experience of being mistreated might be caught off guard by a complete stranger.

Edie, an abandoned dog of mixed breed, was hours away from being put down. She was terrified of humans and it had been a long, long time since anyone cared for her. Her fur was a mess and she was dangerously malnourished.

It took a true animal lover to give Edie a second chance.

The first part of the video is difficult to watch. Edie is so afraid that she hardly knows what to do with herself. Her whole body shakes as she barks to ward off the man she perceives to be a threat.

Finally, however, the man in the video is able to snare Edie and thus stop her from running away. He can now approach her.

It doesn’t take long after that for a pact of trust to be built. Edie begins to understand that he isn’t there to hurt her, but to help her. You can almost see the moment she realizes that she isn’t going to be put down anymore.

Watch the video below to see Edie’s reaction when she understands that she’s saved:

Let’s take the time to express our gratitude for those who dedicate their lives to helping animals in need.

Without you guys, the world would be a far worse place for our innocent four-legged friends.

Share this video so that more people can see Edie’s incredible transformation.

Son’s Restoration of 45-Year-Old Family Car Melts Hearts, Gets 14M Views

Remember when Tommy surprised his parents by restoring their 45-year-old Ford XA Superbird? Oh, what a moment that was! For us, cars aren’t just metal and engines; they’re memory capsules, taking us back to places we loved and times we cherish. That lime-green Ford Falcon XA Superbird that Tommy’s dad bought in 1973 was more than a car; it was a family member.

Ah, 1973! Disco fever was just starting to catch on, and bell-bottoms were the thing. Can’t you just hear the sizzle of vinyl records as you drop the needle on your favorite album? It was a time when Saturday mornings meant cartoons and sugar-loaded cereal. Imagine Tommy’s dad cruising down Melbourne’s roads with the windows down, the fresh air mingling with the faint scent of leather seats.

Now let’s get cozy and dive into Tommy’s journey. His father bought that Superbird in ’73 as his first car, and it soon became the family’s trusty steed. It took them to school, family events, shopping trips—you name it. Even after an unfortunate tumble into a ditch rendered it unusable, the car sat on their farm, a silent but constant reminder of happier times.

That car was like a playground for young Tommy. One of his favorite memories was sitting on his mom’s lap, hands gripping the large steering wheel as they navigated the lengthy driveway of their farm. The Superbird wasn’t just an object; it was an emotional treasure chest filled with moments like these.

But years flew by like pages of a flipbook, and the Ford XA Superbird sat untouched. Tommy had to wait for the right time and resources to start the restoration, but his devotion never waned. And one day in 2013, Tommy knew that if he didn’t start the project soon, there would be nothing left to restore.

Unlike your typical restorer, Tommy wasn’t an expert mechanic or a detailing whiz. He played the role of the loving son and passionate project manager. Thanks to social media and car forums, he connected with like-minded enthusiasts who helped him source those elusive parts for the car. And after years of meticulous planning and piecing the car back together, the Superbird was reborn.

When his parents saw the restored Ford XA Superbird, their faces lit up like the summer sky on the Fourth of July. It was as if time had folded onto itself, and they were back in their youthful days. No words were needed—the sheer happiness and mutual respect between Tommy and his parents spoke volumes.

If you want to discover more heartwarming tales, check out the video above. It features more unforgettable restoration stories that will flood your senses with beautiful nostalgia. Don’t forget to like and share, because revisiting these cherished memories is what keeps our hearts young.

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