Melissa Sue Anderson, star of ‘Little House on the Prairie,’ speaks of her decision to leave Hollywood for Canada

How many times has it happened that you think of an old show you used to love watching and wonder what the actors are doing after so many years? I guess many of you that have seen “Little House on the Prairie” and were eager to see each new adventure of the family living on the farm in Plum Creek near Walnut Grove, Minnesota, would love to know what the actors are up to these days.

Those fans who were fond of the actress playing Mary Ingalls, beautiful Melissa Sue Anderson, were convinced she would continue being part of their life through the small screens, but she had other plans.

Wikimedia Commons

Today, she speaks of her decision to leave Hollywood behind and move to Canada.

This actress started her acting career playing guest roles, and had her way into the showbiz when she became one of the central figures of “Little House on the Prairie.” Her acting brought her several nominations for Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series, and her fans knew she deserved it.

Wikimedia Commons / NBC Television

Speaking of her experience filming this drama that made her famous, back in 2010, Anderson told Pop Entertainment, “I’m lucky that there even was a character to play, because in the book, there isn’t much of one. Laura [Ingalls, author of the Little House novels upon which the series was based and the story was centered] was a quite older woman when she wrote the books. She was remembering the best of her life. The characters of Ma and Mary didn’t factor in a lot. There was a lot of Laura and Pa and Laura and Jack the dog and Laura and Mr. Edwards, but there wasn’t a lot of Mary. I’m fortunate that they discovered that I could act.”


She tried herself in other minor roles after Mary Ingalls, but then in 1990 she got married to television producer Michael Sloan and moved to Montreal in 2002 with her husband and their two children, daughter Piper and son Griffin.

Melissa Anderson with her husband (Twitter)

In 2007, the family became Canadian citizens and with the new life came new commitments, so Anderson decided to let go of the showbiz because she wanted to spend more time with her kids and didn’t want them to feel pressured to pursue acting careers themselves.

Melissa Anderson with her daughter Piper (Twitter)

In an interview with E-Talk, Anderson said, “I really stepped away for a long time. That was really for the kids so they would have their own sense of who they were as opposed to being with me.”

However, Anderson didn’t step back from acting completely, but took small roles over the recent years. Her life-changing experience of being part in a series like “Little House on the Prairie” encouraged her to write a memoir titled The Way I See It: A Look Back at My Life on Little House.

Mom Slammed, Told Her Wrinkled Baby ‘Should Be Kept Hidden’ — He’s Turned into a Handsome Man Years Later

In many ways, Tomm Tennent was an incredibly unique person. From the moment he arrived in the world, everyone around him knew he was different from other babies. When he was born, he had excess skin, sufficient enough to cover a five-year-old kid.

Even the doctors were baffled when they saw his wrinkled appearance, as they had never seen anything like it in their medical career. Tomm’s parents, Debbie and Geoff Tennent were also flabbergasted when they saw their baby and didn’t know how to react.

Debbie and Geoff Tennent | Source: Minutes Australia

Debbie and Geoff Tennent | Source: Minutes Australia

From his incredible birth experience to his life after that, Tomm and his parents experienced a journey unlike any other. It all started when Debbie and Geoff welcomed their son in a South East Australia hospital in 1993.

Eventually, after years of trying and looking for a clue, they stumbled upon something astonishing.

At the time, they didn’t know how special their baby boy would be. Before Tomm’s birth, his parents couldn’t have guessed that their child would go on to mystify medical professionals. But when they went in for the ultrasounds, they discovered nothing was as expected.

Initially, the Tennents struggled to determine whether or not they would keep the baby. But after discussing the matter, it didn’t take them long to decide that regardless of the consequences, they would go through with the pregnancy.

Tomm Tennent pictured as a baby | Minutes Australia

Tomm Tennent pictured as a baby | Minutes Australia

But while Debbie and Geoff were prepared for everything, they were oblivious to how serious their child’s condition could be. They were taken aback and rendered speechless when they laid eyes on their infant son for the first time.

“When [Tomm] came out, I was quite shocked…I didn’t think a human, or a little baby, could ever look like that,” recalled Geoff about the moment he first saw his son. Of the instance when her baby was placed on her chest, Debbie recounted:

“My heart came up to my throat.”

But at the same time, Debbie was overcome with motherly sentiments and said it felt lovely to cuddle her son. Despite their shocked initial reaction, the Tennents embraced their son, who had too much skin covering almost every inch of his body.

A close up of Tomm Tennent's wrinkled legs and feet | Source: Minutes Australia

A close up of Tomm Tennent’s wrinkled legs and feet | Source: Minutes Australia

Medical Mystery & the Challenges of Growing Up

Tomm’s never-before-seen skin condition and wrinkled look baffled his parents and doctors. Since they could not decipher the reason behind his excess skin, they didn’t know how to treat it.

After much contemplation, medical experts hoped that, over time, the boy would grow into his skin. But given the youngster’s unique appearance, researchers felt triggered to explore his case further and solve the rather complex genetic puzzle.

Debbie Tennent holds her son, Tomm Tennent, while petting a Shar Pei | Source: Minutes Australia

Debbie Tennent holds her son, Tomm Tennent, while petting a Shar Pei | Source: Minutes Australia

Tomm was no stranger to hospital visits and stayed in a medical center for two and a half months. There, he had to undergo multiple tests and scans, which were reportedly insufficient in helping the researchers crack the code of his mysterious condition.

Andrew Ramsden, Tomm’s pediatrician, admitted that his case was incredibly challenging because he was the first baby born on record with excess skin, and the doctors had nowhere to turn to for guidance.

Accompanying their little boy on his many doctor’s visits and staying with him in the hospital for months wasn’t easy for the Tennents. But they found their strength and courage from looking at their sweet son, who was a happy tot and didn’t know the magnitude of his condition.

Tomm Tennent is pictured enjoying a bath  | Source: Minutes Australia

Tomm Tennent is pictured enjoying a bath | Source: Minutes Australia

As time passed, Tomm’s doctors continued researching his condition, hoping to find something helpful. Eventually, after years of trying and looking for a clue, they stumbled upon something astonishing.

Medical professionals drew similarities between Tom’s appearance and the Shar Pei, a Chinese dog breed. They learned that the youngster’s excess skin was due to an oversupply of Hyaluronic Acid, which was 100 times higher than usual.

The same was true for Shar Pei puppies. Provided that the acid levels decreased in Shar Peis as they grew older and their appearance improved, the medical experts hoped for the same for Tomm.

Tomm Tennent pictured combing his hair while looking in the mirror. | Source: Minutes Australia

Tomm Tennent pictured combing his hair while looking in the mirror. | Source: Minutes Australia

Fortunately, as the doctors had anticipated, time was the best healer in Tomm’s case. Growing up, the Australian child received immense love and support from his parents. But he also experienced a multitude of challenges.

“Don’t judge people by what they looked like,” noted a young Tomm. Although he had always believed nothing was wrong with him, not everyone reciprocated his sentiments.

People continued to tease him, and he struggled to make friends at school. He felt hurt when kids refused to play with him or include him in their groups.

But instead of retreating and being demotivated by other people’s behavior toward him, Tomm began participating in games and made many friends. Soon, his school experience remarkably improved, and people started seeing him differently.

A young Tomm Tennent | Source: Minutes Australia

A young Tomm Tennent | Source: Minutes Australia

While the Tennents were pleased to see their son move forward in life, some memories were etched in their minds. Debbie recollected an incident in a local bakery with Tomm when a woman approached her, questioning her decision to take her son out in public.

But that wasn’t all. The lady reportedly told Debbie that her son “should be kept hidden.” Devastated by the woman’s comments, the Australian mother didn’t know what to say to her then but vowed to care for her son and raise him in the best possible manner.

And as time would tell, Geoff and Debbie felt pure joy and pride seeing their son grow up. They were proud of him for being a good boy and excelling in every aspect of life, including school.

In an exclusive interview in 2003, the then-11-year-old Tomm said he saw a “kind, loving person” whenever he looked in the mirror. He confessed he wasn’t concerned about how his peers viewed him because they didn’t care about his appearance.

From the beginning, Debbie and Geoff taught their son to accept and love himself just as he was. The couple believed that real beauty came from within, and they instilled the same values in their beloved boy.

Their efforts paid off because when Tomm was asked if he would change anything about himself, he responded, “Probably nothing.” With his parents’ affection and his inner strength, Tomm became an exceptionally kind and lovable person.

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