This dark haired beauty queen is in her 90s now. You won’t believe what she looks like now

Joan Henrietta Collins was born on May 23, 1933, in Paddington, London, England. She was the daughter of Elsa Collins, a dance teacher, and Joseph William Collins, a talent agent whose clients would later include Shirley Bassey, The Beatles, and Tom Jones.

Joan attended the Francis Holland School and later the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London, showcasing her early passion for the performing arts.

Rise to Stardom

Collins made her film debut in the early 1950s with a series of British films, including “Lady Godiva Rides Again” (1951) and “The Woman’s Angle” (1952).

Her striking beauty and talent quickly caught the attention of Hollywood, and she soon found herself cast in major motion pictures. In 1955, she appeared in “The Virgin Queen” alongside Bette Davis, which solidified her status as a rising star.

Hollywood Success

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Collins starred in a variety of films, including “The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing” (1955), “Rally ‘Round the Flag, Boys!” (1958), and “The Road to Hong Kong” (1962).

Her versatility as an actress allowed her to take on diverse roles, from comedies to dramas, establishing her as a prominent figure in the film industry.

Television Fame: Dynasty

Joan Collins achieved international fame with her role as Alexis Carrington on the American television series “Dynasty” (1981-1989). Her portrayal of the cunning and glamorous ex-wife of Blake Carrington earned her a Golden Globe Award and cemented her status as a television icon.


Jennifer Garner has had a successful career in Hollywood, but she has also stayed close to her parents.

The actress wrote on social media on Monday that her dad had died. He was 85 years old.

William John Garner was Jennifer Gardner’s dad. Who was he?
KBTX News 3 says that William John “Billy” Garner went to Texas A&M University and got his Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in 1961 and his Master of Chemical Engineering in 1976.

Stephen Garner was the dad of Jennifer Garner, Susannah Kay Garner Carpenter, and Melissa Garner Wylie.

Pat Garner, their mother, was his wife for almost 60 years.

Jennifer wrote a blog post on January 1, 2024, to celebrate her parents’ 59th wedding anniversary.

“Happy 59th wedding anniversary to my loving and sweet parents!” “Thank you, Mom and Dad, for making sure my sisters and I had a safe and happy childhood,” she wrote.

She was born in Texas and grew up in Charleston, West Virginia.

The Hindustan Times says that William worked for Union Carbide as a chemical engineer.

What kiIIed William John Garner?

“My dad died in peace on Saturday afternoon.” When he left, we were with him and sang “Amazing Grace.” Did we carry him across or scare him away? That’s a good question. “The dеаth of an 85-year-old man who lived a healthy, happy life is not a tragedy, but I know that grief is inevitable and can come up at any time,” she wrote.

“Today is a day to be thankful,” she said.

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