No matter how much we want to think our kids are perfect, the truth is that none of them are.
I’m not saying most parents aren’t doing a good job—most are—but childhood is a time for learning, and all kids will make mistakes they might regret later.
What’s most important is not just what happens, but how the child learns from those mistakes and grows from them.
It’s precisely for this reason that we introduce the concept of punishment early: a kid does something wrong and they’re forced to suffer the consequences of said act. It’s teaches them a simple lesson and, hopefully*, they don’t do that same thing again.
Of course, punishments can vary in degrees, ranging from a metaphorical slap on the wrist to methods that the offending child won’t likely forget.
In any case, one dad’s choice for his daughter certainly sits in the latter of those two categories. She was caught making fun of another student at school who had lost all of her hair to chemotherapy. When her dad found out, it’s safe to say he wasn’t impressed.
He decided to take steps to ensure she never did it again. He shaved her head bald, so that she’d know what it felt like to be in her victim’s shoes.
Needless to say, his method of rebuke has drawn plenty of criticism online, but he isn’t phased by any of it. On the contrary, he told CafeMom that he thinks it was a perfectly acceptable reaction.
He also told CafeMom that his daughter is dating the other girl’s ex-boyfriend, which contributed to the drama that played out.
“They were having an argument in class about stupid teenage gossip regarding my daughter’s boyfriend. At some point the other girl mentioned how my daughter’s boyfriend was just using her for sex (this was actually a big shock to me as I had no idea she was sexually active) and called my daughter a slut.
15 Gifts With Packaging That Turned Out to Be More Exciting Than What Was Inside
Winter holidays help us discover hidden skills and talents, be it with house-cleaning, cooking, or wrapping presents. Some creative individuals manage to turn even the most trivial gifts into masterpieces. In such cases, this inspired packaging proves to be more interesting than the present itself.
We at Bright Side appreciate all things expressive and original. So today, we present you with 15 creations from people who transform the task of wrapping gifts into a special kind of art.
“I have a talent for wrapping gifts in misleading ways!”
“My grandma decorates wrapping paper with hand-drawn patterns!”
“I’ve just finished wrapping a gift for my sis. The outward shape is a ruse — there’s a necklace inside!”
“I guess this is the start of a new tradition. This year, I wrapped the presents in the colors of my favorite flags!”
“My wife’s present to me — whatever is inside, I hope it survives until tomorrow!”
“I’m finally done wrapping the present for my brother. He’ll sure be surprised to find it’s a toolset!”
“Each New Year, my brother and I compete to give the most difficult-to-open gift.”
“This time, I wrapped his present in concrete!”
“This Christmas, I used old maps as wrapping paper for the presents. Quite pleased with the results!”
“My idea of gift-wrapping a couple of concert tickets…”
“No wrapping paper on hand? No problem! I used cardboard grocery bags and metallic markers!”
“I bought my girlfriend’s parents a gift for Christmas and managed to wrap it like this!”
“Each year, I wrap the last present with the leftovers of other gifts’ wrappings.”
“Mom, are you proud of me now?!”
“These are my friend’s presents for his wife. The left package contains perfume, and the right one, a sweater.”
“I’m 23. I can rebuild a car engine from scratch and make unique spare parts for it. I can drive anything that has a steering wheel. But I’m really lousy at wrapping Christmas gifts!”
And what about you — do you like giving presents to your loved ones? Do you have any cool gift-wrapping tales to share?
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