Ever Noticed a Star on a Barn? Here’s What It Really Means

If you enjoy country life or just like taking walks away from busy cities, you may have noticed barn stars. These stars are often found above barn doors, either painted on or made of metal, and they serve as interesting decorations with a rich history.

But what do barn stars really mean? Where do they come from? If you’ve ever wondered about this, you’re in the right place. This article will explain a bit about barn stars and might even teach you something new.

The history of barn stars goes back over a hundred years, although there is some debate about their original purpose. Some sources say that these stars were first used to show who built the barn, acting as a sign to let everyone know who was responsible for constructing it.

According to The Copper Star, barn stars became popular after the American Civil War and can be traced back to at least the 1820s in Pennsylvania. Nowadays, people often associate barn stars with good luck and prosperity. Interestingly, the different colors of the stars each have their own special meanings too!

That’s right! Each color of barn stars has its own meaning. German-American farmers, for instance, placed these stars at the top of barns to keep away evil spirits and to help ensure a good harvest.

Barn stars are a tradition that has been passed down over the years and are believed to come from the Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish communities.

Interestingly, the different colors of stars represent different ideas. For example, brown stars symbolize friendship and strength, while white stars stand for purity and energy. A violet star represents holiness, and blue or black stars are meant to protect the farm.

Green stars symbolize growth and fertility for the crops, while bright yellow stars express love for both people and the sun.

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Then there are “hex stars,” which are different from barn stars and showed up more than a century later.

You may have seen hex stars from time to time. They first appeared in the 1950s. According to the Kutztown Folk Festival, the change from barn stars to hex stars started with a man named Milton Hill in 1952.

Later, in the late 1950s, a Pennsylvania Dutch folk painter named Johnny Ott added superstitious meanings to his designs. He found that these signs sold much better with added meanings. The trend quickly spread, and these designs became known as “hex signs.”

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They say that if life hands you lemons, make lemonade. We all know that this is easier said than done, yet nothing is truly impossible if we set our minds to something and put in a lot of effort to achieve it.

Cara Brookins ended up in a vioIent marriage. She left her husband, took her kids with her, and started over in a new house since she was a mother of five and understood she had to protect her kids from the toxic environment they were made to live in. How was it accomplished by her? by creating her own construction blueprints and viewing YouTube videos that demonstrated various building skiIIs, such as installing plumbing, running a gas line, laying a foundation, and erecting walls. It sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

Now that she’s thinking about it, she acknowledges that it has been impossible the entire time.

Cara, a computer programmer analyst, came up with the idea to build her family’s new home from the ground up because she couldn’t afford to buy a house big enough for all of her children at the time she started building it in 2007.

Cara described the feeling as being that “if anyone were in our situation, they would do this.” “I know it sounds crazy now, but no one else saw it likе this.”

She borrowed about $150,000 for construction and paid $20,000 for an acre of land.

Her children helped build their 3,500-square-foot home; the eldest was only two years old at the time and the youngest was seventeen.

Since there was no running water on the property, her 11-year-old daughter Jada had to use buckets to carry water from the neighbor’s pond. Her son Drew assisted her in creating the plans. After that, she combined it with concrete bags weighing eighty pounds to create the foundation mortar.

The children would visit the site and assist every day after school. This tenacious mother paid $25 per hour to a part-time firefighter with building experience to complete the most difficult tasks. He was “a step ahead of us in terms of knowledge,” she recalled.

The family finally moved into Inkwell Manor on March 31, 2009, which was named in honor of Cara’s aspiration to become a writer.

“We felt ashamed that the only option available to us was to construct our own shelter,” Cara remarked. “We weren’t particularly proud of it, but it ended up being the best thing I could have done for myself.”

“Anything is possible for you if I, a 110-pound computer programmer, can build a whole house,” she exclaimed.

She continued, stating, “Select one goal and stick to it. Choose a big project you’ve always wanted to do, start small, and take the others who also need to recover with you. That has a great deal of power.

This isn’t it one of the most amazing tales you’ve heard recently?

If this family’s tenacity inspires you as much as it does, please SHARE their amazing tale on Facebook with your loved ones!

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