Heartbreaking Update on ”Dallas” actress Linda Grey-

Linda Gray, who pIayed the legendary role of Sue Ellen Ewing in the hit show Dallas, had a life filled with excitement and a number of obstacles.
Recalling her childhood in Culver City, CaIifornia, she says how being given the chance to hang out with her friends around the filming studios triggered something in her that made her fall in love with acting. Her father, whom she describes as a rather cold person was always supportive of her career. Her mother used to be a heavy alcoholic while Linda and her sister were growing up so they had to take care of the house for long.

“She wasn’t falling down drunk, there was never any yeIIing,” Linda wrote in her book The Path to Happiness is Always Under Construction. “She wasn’t mean – she was just blurred, in her own world, she would forget to buy food so I started doing the cooking. My sister and I didn’t like her.”

Linda married her first and only husband, whom she separated with in 1983, photographer Edward Lee Thrasher, when she was 21. They had two children together, and although she enjoyed being a mother, it was her husband who somehow stood in her way of making a career in acting.

Although she was part of many commercials, it took Linda quite some time to finally gather the courage to attend acting classes.
In 1967, Linda was paid $25 to be Anne Bancroft’s body double in the poster for the film The Graduate not knowing that years later, or in 2001 to be exact, she would end up playing Mrs Robinson in the West End State production of The Graduate.

During the 1960s, she got a rejection letter from the Glamour Magazine, but that only made her more determined to succeed. “It was so funny that I kept that letter,” she wrote. “I kept the letter because I realized that we all have rejections, and it was her opinion when I was 20 years old. I could have had it devastate my life. But, I didn’t. This feisty streak came out – ‘Oh, yeah? I’m gonna show you!’ With great love and a lot of humor, I kept that letter. It kicked me from behind, and made me want to go and do something.”

After playing small roles, Linda finaIIy got the one that marked her career, that of Sue Ellen Ewing. She appeared in total of 308 episodes on Dallas and played alongside Larry Hagman and Patrick Duffy.

Speaking of her relationship with Hagman, Linda told CM Chat Live: “He was the bad big brother that I never had. He was always doing something in my mind wrong – he was drinking too much, or whatever, and I would reprimand him, he loved that, he loved to do something just to make me crazy. I’d say ‘Don’t eat that. You don’t need that much sugar, and stop drinking.’”

In fact, when Linda was briefly fired from the show for asking for a higher pay, it was Hagman who demanded she gets back.

For her legendary performance in Dallas, Linda received numerous awards, including two Golden Globe Awards for Best Actress – TeIevision Series Drama, as well as a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress.

Her son, Jeff Thrasher, followed into her footsteps and worked as a director. Sadly, he was diagnosed with leukemia and passed away in 2020. Linda was devastated. She had a hard time coping with the loss. Recently, she paid tribute to Jeff writing: “A celebration of my son Jeff’s life. He was the kindest, funniest, sweetest human being….. he brought the world such love and was loved by everyone! May his journey be a magicaI one.”https://www.instagram.com/p/CICmEWyrPUt/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=14&wp=675&rd=https%3A%2F%2Fbengalimedia24.com&rp=%2Fheartbreaking-update-on-dallas-actress-linda-grey%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2dgWz6EFpC6RtaLAWwCBgR-BcaAhAdm0FRg147EhNfvC0WfZ9fCh18Swk#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A1751%2C%22ls%22%3A1148.4000000059605%2C%22le%22%3A1748.4000000059605%7D

We are very sorry for her loss. Linda is doing her best to live her life without her son. She is 82 years old and is looking as stunningly beautiful as always


Kirk Cameron was once a beloved Hollywood star, famous for his role in the 1980s hit TV show “Growing Pains.” He was a charming teenager who many girls admired.

But over time, Cameron’s image changed. He became very outspoken about his Christian faith and chose a different path from many of his former co-stars. His focus shifted from Hollywood fame to living a Christ-centered life with his wife, Chelsea Noble, and their six children.

Cameron and Noble have been married for 31 years. They have raised their kids in a home centered around their Christian beliefs. Cameron loves his wife deeply and is committed to her alone, refusing to kiss anyone else.

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Many Hollywood celebrities think Kirk Cameron is too religious. They criticize and make fun of him because he openly shares his Christian faith.

Cameron’s recent acting and directing projects have strong Christian messages, which has made him less popular with some of his old fans. He himself has said:

“I’m kind of a Hollywood freak. I didn’t turn out like most people in this industry.”

Despite this, Cameron is well-loved by conservative Christians who appreciate his strong beliefs and the way he lives his life.

Before finding Christianity, Cameron was an atheist and his family didn’t go to church. One day, he went to church with a friend’s father and realized he was on a path to hell, which made him rethink his life.

Now 52, Cameron has made a vow to only kiss his wife, Chelsea Noble, and not any other women. His faith has deeply influenced his life, leading him to marry his “Growing Pains” co-star and build a family with her.

Kirk Cameron married his “Growing Pains” co-star Chelsea Noble after finding faith. They live in Los Angeles, close to the Hollywood sign, and have a big family.

The couple adopted four children: Jack, Isabella, Ahna, and Luke. They later had two biological children, Olivia and James. Chelsea Noble, who was adopted herself along with her brother, wanted to adopt before having biological kids so that their adopted children would know they were their first choice.

Noble says that, for her, there is no difference between her adopted and biological kids. She feels a special bond with all of them, which she believes comes from God. “It’s been an incredible journey,” she says. “You sort of forget who is adopted and who is not—it’s just your family.”

Cameron, who has a multi-racial family, wants to protect his children. He believes in using technology but advises families to set limits to ensure it doesn’t take over their lives.

Kirk Cameron, known for his role on “Growing Pains,” has become a strong advocate for family and marriage. After becoming a Christian, he married his “Growing Pains” co-star Chelsea Noble. The couple adopted four children and had two more together. Their adopted kids are Jack, Isabella, Ahna, and Luke, and their biological kids are Olivia and James.

Chelsea Noble shared that she was passionate about adoption because she and her brother were both adopted. She and Kirk wanted to adopt first so their adopted children would know they were their first choice. Noble feels deeply connected to all her kids, saying it doesn’t matter if they are adopted or biological; they are all her family.

Kirk and Chelsea have raised their kids in a Christ-centered home and have taught them to love and understand each other, emphasizing that families come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors.

Kirk is also focused on helping families navigate the challenges of living in a technology-driven world. He advises setting boundaries with technology to protect children and maintain strong family connections.

Their daughter Isabella once shared a heartfelt Instagram post, thanking her parents for adopting her and her siblings. She expressed her love for her family and her gratitude for their faith. Ahna, another daughter, praised Kirk on Father’s Day for his love of God and family.

Kirk and Chelsea married in 1991 after meeting on the set of “Growing Pains.” They have been strong advocates for marriages built on Christian principles, encouraging couples to focus on their own responsibilities and follow the guidance found in the Bible. Kirk believes many marital issues arise when spouses blame each other instead of addressing their own faults.

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Kirk Cameron has shown his commitment to his marriage through both words and actions. In 2008, while promoting his movie “Fireproof,” Cameron was supposed to kiss an actress in a scene. However, he had made a vow not to kiss anyone other than his wife. To handle this, the filmmakers dressed his wife as the movie’s female lead and shot the scene in silhouette.

Cameron explained that when he kisses his wife behind the scenes, it feels like they are honoring their marriage. He chose “Fireproof” because it reflects his beliefs and his love for his wife.

Cameron and Chelsea Noble have been married for 31 years. In 2020, he shared a throwback picture from their 29th wedding anniversary and wrote, “So thankful that after 29 years and turning 50, Chelsea still hasn’t turned me in for a newer model! #grateful.”

Kirk and Chelsea see marriage as a sacred and precious thing. Despite the trend of divorces in modern society, they believe marriage should be cherished and celebrated.

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