There are different types of mental ages that reflect how we think and feel. They can be defined like youthful vibes, mature tones, balanced hues. By choosing colors, we can get an idea of our mental age. Let’s have fun and find it out.








Now add up all the points you got, and find your result below.
7–12 points:
You are under 20 years old. You’re a carefree teenager at heart regardless of your chronological age.
13–20 points:
You are 20–29 years old. You are active, creative, and full of life, but you can already call yourself an adult.
21–28 points:
You are 30–39 years old. You’re still active and curious about new things, but you are already responsible and thoughtful.
29–35 points:
You are 40–49 years old. Mature and experienced, these people know how to live their lives.
36–40 points:
You are over 50 years old. A wise and calm person who knows life and appreciates comfort.
Discovering your mental age by taking color choices test can be an interesting way to understand yourself better. It’s like expressing your feelings through colors, and it can be a simple way to connect with your inner self and discover aspects of your personality.
The World’s First Trans Figure Skating Routine Did Not Go According To Plan

Minna-Maaria Antikainen, the world’s first transgender figure skater, had a mishap during her debut at the European Figure Skating Championships in Finland. Formerly known as Markku-Pekka Antikainen, she transitioned to a woman and started figure skating at 49.

During the opening ceremony, she stumbled and fell seconds into her performance but was helped up by a female hostess carrying the Finnish flag. Despite this, Antikainen had trained for eight years, practicing five hours a week and participating in other skating events.
The European Figure Skating Championships focused on promoting diversity and inclusion with the theme “Just be you.” However, same-sex pairs are still banned in the sport, and there’s no category for non-binary skaters. Hopefully, more countries will work toward equality and diversity in figure skating.
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