Consider carefully examining a $1 dollar if you happen to have it in your wallet. Certain $1 bills may not look like much money, but they could be worth much more than their face value.
Right now, money with “fancy” serial numbers is sought after by a website called Additionally, you might be able to sell one of these notes to the website for hundreds or even thousands of dollars if it has a fancy serial number.
What precisely is a fancy serial number determined by, then? Here are some instances to be aware of:
- Seven consecutive repeating digits: You might have struck gold if you come across a $1 bill with a serial number like 09999999, 18888888, or 19999999.
- Seven in a row: Seek out a banknote bearing a serial number consisting of seven consecutive digits, such 00010000, 00090000, or 90999999.
- Super radars are banknotes having serial numbers, such as 01111110, 10000001, or 80000008, that are the same both forward and backward.
- Super repeaters: Look for banknotes that have a four-digit pattern that repeats, such 67676767.
- Double quads: Seek out banknotes bearing a serial number consisting of two groups of four consecutive digits, such as 11110000, 44440000, or 88880000.
And there’s still more to learn! To see what further serial numbers they are currently seeking, visit the website’s Want List.
Is it really true? Even something as insignificant as a folded $1 note has the potential to be a priceless gem. So, everyone, start looking in your wallets! It could be your fortunate day today.
Black Man Holds White Baby, Close Look Tells State Of ‘Race Relations’
A photograph of a black man holding a white baby has gone viral on social media. As viewers began to realize what was really happening in the snapshot, they couldn’t believe their eyes.
“So a lot of people like this picture. So I wanted to take a minute to tell the story,” Facebook user Cody Shugart captioned a snapshot of his son sitting in the lap of a black man. Shugart went on to identify the black man as Milton West, who was his childhood next door neighbor. Shugart had many a good memory with Milton West at the center.
Milton West was my childhood next door neighbor,” wrote Shugart. “I knew him as Mr. Chip. He retired from DOW chemical as an operator. He has always been there for me since I was two years old. Growing up without a father was always difficult for me. But the good lord surrounded me with great men, Mr.Chip was one of them.”
“He constantly preached the value of an education, taught me how to take care of a yard, he taught me to see people for who they are not what they look like, he taught me how to treat my mother like a saint and many other life lessons,” added Shugart. “His contributions to me becoming a good son, man, and father were huge. I am forever grateful for God putting him in my life.”
“Everyday, I read something negative and how race relations are worse than ever. I disagree, and I hope this is a positive loving message to many people. This is just one story in little ol Victoria, Texas. I’m sure there are millions of similar stories across the United States,” he concluded.
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