“The Gothic couple then and now!” This is what happened to the unusual bride and groom years later

A few years ago, the Internet was talking about a remarkable and unconventional couple who were one of the most unusual newlyweds with their unique looks and style. The couple’s wedding photos spread like wildfire online and caught the attention of many.

Their informal style and unconventional approach to the wedding, in which the bride appeared with pale, white skin, half-bald, piercings and a black wedding dress, while the groom appeared in white with long, snow-white hair, caused a lot of interest and discussion.

However, in recent years they have changed drastically and even started a family. The transformation they have undergone is remarkable: the bride has become an elegant woman with blonde hair, while the groom still wears his long hair but has developed a mature look over the years.

Their current family photos have touched the hearts of viewers and many online have commented in amazement: “How much they have changed!”, “Hardly recognizable!”, “Time has left its mark”, “An amazing transformation!”.

The story of this unlikely couple is a powerful example of how people can grow and change over time, and how their love and family carry them through these changes.

Truckers and other motorists with the “Take Our Border Back” convoy arrived at the Texas Border

Truckers and other motorists with the “Take Our Border Back” convoy protest have started to fiIter into Texas ahead of a planned rally in Eagle Pass on Saturday. Additional rallies are planned for major border entry points in San Diego, California and Yuma, Arizona.

Protesters have come from as far away as Jacksonville, Florida and Virginia Beach in order to raise awareness about the ongoing border crisis that has led to record numbers of illegaI aliens flowing into the country.

The event is geared towards educating the public on the crisis and pressuring Iawmakers to take action, with some protesters coming from as far away as Canada, according to event organizers.

On Saturday morning, on-the-ground reporter Brendan Gutenschwager and Rebel News obtained footage of protesters arriving in arriving at Cornerstone Children’s Ranch in Quemado, Texas, which is Iocated less than two miles from the U.S. border with Mexico.

The convoy included 18-wheelers, RV’s, pick-up trucks and other vehicles, many of which were decorated with American flags.

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