You Won’t Believe What This Millionaire Did to Solve Homelessness in His Town!

Homelessness is a problem that many cities face around the world. Even though governments and organizations are trying to fix it, it’s still a big issue. One Canadian millionaire decided to make a difference in his own town with his money. Here’s his story.

In Fredericton, New Brunswick, Marcel LeBrun, a millionaire entrepreneur, took action to help homeless people in his community. Marcel, who made a lot of money from his successful social media monitoring company, decided to invest $4 million of his own money to build 99 tiny homes for those in need. He didn’t just stop at providing homes; he also created job opportunities with his unique approach. This project is called 12 Neighbours.

After selling his company and gaining a lot of wealth, Marcel wanted to use his money for good. Seeing the homelessness issue in Fredericton, he came up with the idea of a tiny home community to give homeless people a new start. He named his project 12 Neighbours and aimed to build a gated community with 99 homes and an enterprise center. This community offers both housing and job opportunities, giving homeless people a chance to rebuild their lives.

Homelessness is a big issue in New Brunswick, with about 1,600 people experiencing it in a single day last year. In bigger cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York in the United States, the number of homeless people is much higher. Marcel LeBrun saw a chance to make a difference and decided to help those struggling with homelessness.

Marcel’s project, 12 Neighbours, is not just about building tiny homes. He wants to create a supportive community for people. The tiny homes he’s building are more than just places to stay. They are fully-furnished with kitchens, living areas, bedrooms, and full bathrooms. They even have solar panels on the roofs. Marcel sees himself as a community builder, aiming to provide a better life for those in need.

Image Credit: CBC National | Youtube

To make his vision a reality, Marcel LeBrun set up a factory where skilled volunteers help build the tiny homes. Using modern techniques, the factory can produce one tiny home every four business days. Once a home is built, it is carefully placed on concrete blocks to form the foundation of the community.

Marcel believes that owning a home is important because it gives people a sense of responsibility and stability. By allowing people who have experienced homelessness to own their own homes, the 12 Neighbours project aims to empower them and create a supportive community.

Image Credit: CBC National | Youtube

Besides providing homes, Marcel LeBrun’s project also focuses on creating job opportunities for the residents. The 12 Neighbours community includes an enterprise center with a coffee bar and a silk printing business, both run by the residents. This helps generate income and encourages residents to interact with the wider community.

Like any big project, 12 Neighbours has faced criticism. Some people think it’s better to reintegrate homeless individuals directly into society rather than keeping them together in one place. However, Marcel understands these concerns and has taken steps to ensure the community is safe and supportive.

Marcel explained, “Building a few homes is just as complicated as building many, and we wanted to make a real impact on homelessness in Fredericton. If we want to make a meaningful difference, we need to build houses. If I take someone who’s been living outside and put them in a luxury apartment, they might not succeed because it’s not their community or environment.”

Image Credit: CBC National | Youtube

Marcel LeBrun knows how important safety is, so he has included top security features in the 12 Neighbours community. There are gated entrances and advanced surveillance systems to ensure residents feel safe and protected.

LeBrun mentioned that some residents face challenges when they first move in. He explained, “When someone moves into a house, they might have others trying to take advantage of them. They need to learn what it means to manage their own space and decide who they let in and out.”

One of the main goals of 12 Neighbours is to build a strong sense of community both inside and outside its gates. LeBrun wants to create a place where residents and the people of Fredericton can come together. The community has a coffee bar and a personalized printing business to encourage interaction and understanding.

LeBrun told CBC, “I see myself as a community builder. We’re not just building a small community; we’re helping to make our city better.”

Marcel LeBrun’s project to build 99 tiny homes in Fredericton, New Brunswick, is a great example of using personal success to help others. Through 12 Neighbours, he has not only provided homes for those in need but also created job opportunities and a supportive community. His efforts have given hope to many and inspired others to make a difference.

Don’t Touch These If You See Them on Your Plants

You always know where to find me, right? within my yard. I’m a huge gardener. Seeing your hard work come to fruition and witnessing the growth of plants is a deeply satisfying experience. However, let’s face it—it can be very difficult. Taking care of bugs is one of the main obstacles. Sometimes you’re not even sure which pests are good for you and which ones would ruin all of your hard-earned possessions.

I just saw a picture floating around social media that encapsulates this uncertainty. It scared me when I first saw it. The image displayed a leaf covered in extremely little, very detailed black geometric patterns. Initially, it appeared as though the leaf was encased in an extraterrestrial lattice or perhaps some strange illness. Like myself, a lot of others were curious as to what it might be.

I looked into it and found that these odd patterns are actually the eggs of Nymphalis Antiopa butterflies. Allow me to introduce you to this species if you are unfamiliar with it. The Mourning Cloak butterfly, Nymphalis Antiopa, is an intriguing insect with an unusual life cycle and some intriguing characteristics.

Let’s start by discussing the eggs. These eggs on a leaf were seen in close-up in the picture I saw. They resemble a thin layer of fine black lace that has been applied to the surface. After you get over your initial shock, it’s actually rather lovely. Clusters of eggs are laid, and each small egg is a marvel of flawless geometry. “This is either going to be really good for my garden or really bad,” was my initial thinking upon seeing it.

Fortunately, there is good news: the Nymphalis Antiopa butterfly has several uses. Although the caterpillars, or larvae, eat leaves, they usually have a preference for willows, elms, and poplars among other trees and shrubs. Therefore, you should be safe if you have a garden that is full of veggies and flowers. Since these butterflies also feed on decaying fruit and aid in the process of decomposition, they can really be quite beneficial.

It’s interesting to watch these butterflies go through their entire cycle. The caterpillars emerge from those weird, complicated eggs once they hatch. Their bodies are bristly and spiky, and they are black with tiny white dots. They go through a series of phases called instars, during which they grow larger and lose their skin.

When they reach adulthood, the caterpillars locate a secure location to pupate. They convert themselves within a chrysalis, which resembles a tiny sleeping bag. Depending on the environment and time of year, this stage may extend for a few weeks or several months. When they do emerge, they are stunning Mourning Cloak butterflies, with dark, velvety wings speckled with blue and surrounded by a bright yellow edging.

The behavior of Mourning Cloak butterflies is among their most fascinating characteristics. These butterflies hibernate in the winter, in contrast to many other species. They locate a comfortable hiding place under an old shed, beneath loose bark, or even in a pile of wood. They are among the first butterflies to appear in the spring, frequently even before the flowers begin to open. They get their name “Mourning Cloaks” in part because of their early arrival; the stark, early spring scenery contrasts with their dark, melancholy wings, which resemble a mourning garment.

As gardeners, we frequently concentrate on how insects affect our plants right away. When we see caterpillars, we fear that they will devour everything. However, it’s critical to stand back and consider the wider picture. The Nymphalis Antiopa butterfly is an excellent illustration of how nature maintains equilibrium. Although the caterpillars will consume some leaves, your garden won’t be completely destroyed by them. In actuality, you’re improving the ecosystem by giving these butterflies a place to live.

What should you do, then, if you discover these caterpillars or eggs in your garden? I would suggest letting them alone. Take pleasure in the procedure and observe the change. You can carefully relocate the caterpillars to a tree or shrub where they will be content and less likely to eat your priceless blossoms if you’re extremely concerned about your plants.

The key to gardening is balance. It’s about achieving harmony with the animals that live with you and the flora you adore. The next time you notice something odd in your garden, look into it for a little before grabbing the pesticide. As with my discovery of the Nymphalis Antiopa butterfly eggs, you might just uncover something truly remarkable.

Everything is ultimately a part of the adventure. The bounty and difficulties that come with every season are what make gardening so fulfilling.

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